Source Code:
+ Adjusts in game HUD for ANY aspect ratio.
! Before installation, make sure that you're using v1.3 speed.exe (5,75 MB (6.029.312 bytes)).
If not, just search "NFS Most Wanted NO DVD Crack RELOADED" on Google, Bing or any search engine you like.
You will also need NFSMW Widescreen Fix by ThirteenAG & Aero_.
This script is designed to work together with Widescreen Fix.
Now you can install the Script. Just follow these steps:
1) In NFSMostWanted.WidescreenFix.ini, set "HudWidescreenMode" option to 1.
2) Select the file you downloaded.
3) Copy it into "scripts" folder in NFSMW Installation Folder. (Use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V / Cmd+C, Cmd+V / Strg+C, Strg+V; Right-Click > Copy; via xcopy command on CMD; or how do you like it.)
Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)
v1.0.0.800 (Build 1 BETA) :
+ Initial release.
Coded by:
- nlgzrgn
Thanks to:
- Xanvier and Aero_ for their great help!
- Hex-Rays for IDA PRO.
- EA Black Box for accidentally adding symbols into NFSMW PS2 Alpha 124 build.
See ya!
©2018 nlgzrgn @ ExOpts Team - No rights reserved. ;)


MiguelAmancio350zNFSFan (March 25, 2024 @ 20:27)
Today is 2024, and yes. still works.You're the best, nlgxzef!

BetaTester (October 14, 2021 @ 22:09)
Thank you so much. it works! 100%.jpg)
NFSUSER (May 02, 2021 @ 15:21)
But still I had no problem..jpg)
NFSUSER (May 02, 2021 @ 15:20)
I'm dumb, I'm playing on a 1366x768 monitor (when this mod is supposed to be for more widescreen monitors).