NFSMW Unlimiter

Source Code:
NFSMW Unlimiter is a script mod which fixes some issues and makes some improvements for added cars.
The features are explained in more detail in NFSMW Unlimiter's Wiki.
Add-On Cars:
* Car array size is now dynamically calculated to make add-on cars work properly.
* Backports NFS Carbon's manufacturer code to make it easier to add new car manufacturers.
QoL Changes:
* Fixes disappearing wheels issue.
* Fixes secondary logo issue for cars without manufacturer logo.
* Expands memory pools.
* Fixes flickering cars in crowded areas with rain.
* Fixes character names for non-career events.
* Allows up to 1000 names for random AI opponents.
* Fixes missing dummy objects for options in FNGs.
* Fixes ride height pop-in by always taking both ride heights (chassis & ecar) into account.
* Makes paint menu scroll properly when there are more than 80 colors in a category.
* Makes custom gauges menu scroll properly when there are more than 10 colors in a category.
* Enables some Beta features if Beta Content Mod by elaymm4 is installed.
Extra Customization:
* Adds new customization items to the menu.
* Enables Backroom in My Cars menu.
+ Allows custom icons and names for the majority of car parts.
* Allows front/rear rims to get installed seperately.
* Allows reverting to stock performance parts.
* Adds custom attributes to allow even more customization options!
* Allows extensive configuration through a set of .ini files.
FNG Modifications:
* Comes with modified FNG files to accomodate more options in menus.
Also check out:
- NFS Mods with Unlimiter (v3+) & Extended Customization Support:
- Unlimiter Logo.png: You can add this logo on your mod preview to show that your mod utilizes Extra Customization features in the Unlimiter.
Main Developer:
- nlgxzef
- 379Felipe
- Archie
- Aven
- BlueSkyWestSide
- elaymm4
- GhostRider
- P A I N
- rnz
- RedCarDriver
- trackmaniamatt
Former testers: (Thanks for your work from earlier!)
- David
- MaxHwoy
- Miner
- MrAdam
- NyxVeliona
- Viper4K
- MWEE Team
Special thanks to:
- Archie: Great help and inspiration for the Extra Customization functionality, along with Neon and custom light flare colors.
- ArturoPlayerOne and 379Felipe: Successful attempts on adding cars.
- 379Felipe and Speedyheart: Letting me know about the car limit in the executable.
- Aero_ and Berkay2578: Expanding memory pools.
- AJ_Lethal: Providing custom ZBias and MinScale values for yellow traffic lights also used as signals.
- ASC: Great help with custom attributes for the body kits.
- ASC and Viper4K: Implementing the required code to make custom tires work.
- Hex-Rays: IDA PRO.
- heyitsleo and Fridtjof: FengLib which is used to customize FNGs to accomodate more options and message responses.
- MaxHwoy: Binary.
- nfsu360: NFS-VltEd.
- osdever and PAIN: Plak Graphics compatibility.
- Pulzed and Xan1242: mINI.
- rnz: New CARS\WHEELS\GEOMETRY.bin file with NFSC-Style UV mapping to allow tire customization on vanilla rims.
- rx: Great help, the method to clone objects in FNGs, ride height fix.
- EA Black Box: Accidentally adding symbols into NFSMW PS2 Alpha 124 and Gamecube Release builds.
...and others (if I've forgotten any) for other stuff.
See ya!
©2024 nlgxzef @ ExOpts Team - No rights reserved. ;)

enes12bn (December 23, 2024 @ 15:31)
nice thanks
RK1309 (December 13, 2024 @ 20:57)
I had a little problem... AI drivers' wheels disappear, sometimes the front wheels disappear, sometimes the back wheels disappear...
wasp (May 08, 2024 @ 16:12)
There are 4 types of tires included, how can I add more tires to this menu?
ProsT0David (May 07, 2024 @ 14:20)
Um Fool, it still work guys. I didn't install it correctly
ProsT0David (May 07, 2024 @ 14:10)
After installing the mod, all its functions work, except neons, the menu itself in the trim is but there is empty. Is there any way to fix it?Download
bc98db-NFSMW (Size: 586 bytes) Latest Version
8df5d9-NFSMW (Size: 587 bytes) Old Version
e909e0-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.13MB) Old Version
b0b18b-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.11MB) Old Version
9a8040-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.11MB) Old Version
5bb029-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.14MB) Old Version
856822-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.14MB) Old Version
22cf9f-NFSMW Unlimiter (Size: 1.06MB) Old Version