1995 Toyota MR2 (Addon/Replace)

Replaces (ModLoader version only):
2004 Mercedes-Benz CLK500 (CLK500)
- Bodykits
- Spoilers
- Rims
- Hoods (CF only)
- Roof Scoops
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Window Tint
- Custom Gauges
- NFS Undercover male driver
- Working brakelights
- New performance
- Damage scratches
Known bugs:
- Anyone at the moment
ModLoader method:
- Be sure that your NFSMW has ModLoader installed.
- Extract ADDONS folder into NFSMW game folder
Adding as new car method:
WARNING! Back up your original files!
1. Install NFSMW Unlimiter (link: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/688)
2. Copy all files from "Add as a new car/(Car files to copy)" folder to NFSMW game directory
3. There are two ways to add this car:
3.1. Copy all files from "Add as a new car/(Automatic Install)" folder to NFSMW game directory. Please note that all other installed mods won't work
3.2.1. Copy FrontB.lzc (rename it to FrontA.bun after copying), GlobalB.bun and English.bin to FRONTEND, GLOBAL and LANGUAGE folders in MWinside_TextureCompiler folder respectively.
3.2.2. Run NfSMW - TC.exe and click following:
3.2.3. Copy all compiled files:
FrontA.bun (rename it to FrontB.lzc after compiling) to FRONTEND folder
GlobalB.bun and GlobalB.lzc to GLOBAL folder
English.bin to LANGUAGES folder
4. Run NFS-VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSMW game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick MR2NewCarScript.nfsms. Save.
5. Run the game (game will crash if you use ModLoader) and create a new save game
- Arushan for making NFSMW ModTools
- K1llM@n for making NFSMW MTGUI
- nfsu360 for making NFSU2/MW Texture Compiler (from NFSU2 ModTools )
- Oleg for making Zmodeler
- EA Black Box for making mesh and textures
- dotPDN for making Paint.net
- MWinside for making Texture Compiler
- YochiThMaster333 (me) for converting this car

YochiThMaster333 (March 25, 2021 @ 20:09)
@senpaidarken The mod was built even BEFORE Ed TCD and Binary became a thing. About Chrome saying that this is a virus, well it's just a false positive. I might update my MR2 at some time by deprecating ReCompiler support and replacing ReCompiler with Binary, along with some model updates like Drag bodykit from NFS World and fixed position of mountpoints/markers/dummies.
senpaidarken (March 25, 2021 @ 11:24)
You can use Ed/Binary instead of texture compiler thingy.
senpaidarken (March 25, 2021 @ 11:20)
chrome says it is a virus..jpg)
jpgh74 (August 20, 2020 @ 20:42)
Could you reduce the steering speed?