2003 Ford Mustang GT (Gen. 4) [Add-On]

2003 Ford Mustang GT (Gen. 4)
Alternative Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!5cxghQxC!-oc4L5vrnZ4N2ivKmRByKw (~90 MB)
Note: This is an open folder.
You can use the "Download As ZIP" button on the upper right to download all the files at once.
Technical Information:
Converted by: nlgzrgn
Converted from: Need for Speed: ProStreet
Replaces: Nothing
Car folder name (XName): MUSTANG03
- Body Kits: Stock + 4
- Spoilers
- Rims
- Hoods: 1-9 = Painted; 10-13, 20-24 = Painted w/ Roll Bars; 14-19, 25, 26 = Carbon Fiber; 27-35 = Carbon Fiber w/ Roll Bars
- Roof Scoops
- Engine: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Transmission: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Suspension: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Nitrous: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Tires: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Brakes: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Turbo / Supercharger: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Paint
- Vinyls: All 155 slots, 512x and 1024x texture packs available.
- Rim Paint
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Numbers
- Custom Gauges
- Custom performance data: Stock: 285 KM/H (320 KM/H w/o Rev Limiter); Fully Upgraded: 363 KM/H (414 KM/H w/o Rev Limiter).
- Available from the beginning. (Cost: 28,000)
- Vanilla "Paul" driver model from NFS Most Wanted.
- LOD parts
- Working brakelights on/off textures (Damage textures are included, but they don't work for some reason.)
- Damage (Scratches)
- Source files w/ a customized version of Geometry Compiler (Modding Resource)
Known Issues:
- No issues for now. :)
- Please report if you see any other issues.
Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)
* Updated download link.
2019/04/09: (Forgotten update :P)
+ Added config files for Ed.
2018/10/16: (Updates additional files only, not the model itself.)
* Replaced Texture Compiler tool with a more up-to-date version with a new name, ReCompiler.
* Fixed stock color.
* Fixed flipping issue.
+ The download is now available as an open folder. (So you can download necessary files only.)
+ Added Unlocked Memory Files.
+ Added a credit that I forgot.
! Initial release.
- 379Felipe for tire texture, which made the car fit more into the game.
- Arushan for NFSMW Mod Tools, which lets us transfer any car model into the game.
- K1llM@n for BinViewer, which lets us tweak the mount points.
- MWInside for ReCompiler, which lets anyone add cars and vinyls into their favourite racing game.
- nfsu360 for NFS-VltEd, NFS-TexEd and NFSU2/MW Texture Compiler, which make modding the game just easier.
- Oleg Melashenko for ZModeler v1.0.7a, v2.1.1 and v2.2.5, where most of the conversion work is done.
- nlgzrgn for NFSMW Unlimiter and converting the car.
- Zvott96 for helping me about flipping issue, so people can have more fun while driving it.
© 2018 nlgzrgn @ ExOpts Team. No rights reserved.
ChaosSpindash (October 31, 2018 @ 19:37)
How do I change B02FFF5BB02FFF5B01 to 0B68DEA90B68DEA901 in game memory? I'm not an expert in using Cheat Engine...
frannco1099 (October 31, 2018 @ 15:24)
hey im having some troubles, wherever edit i do in frontend with vlted all the texting ingame desapears and glitches, what can i do?
Zvott96 (October 16, 2018 @ 15:30)
Hey nlg for the flipping issue try lowering ROLL_CENTER in chassis node to 8 or something like that, that fixes it. Anyway good job for the car.
RCOOPER51 (October 06, 2018 @ 20:16)
Diablo SV when? xDDownload
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