Most Wanted Online

Most Wanted Online turns Need for Speed: Most Wanted into a full-fledged multiplayer game.
The MWO experience includes exclusive online activities, new lore-friendly vehicles, extra customization options and much more.
Current Version: Update 3.100
Release Date: 2024-12-07
Update 3.100 adds police vehicle sync, 3 new cars, 22 new races and a lot of other content.
If you tried MWO previously but haven't played it for a while, check out this update for a fresh experience!
0. IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have a clean game copy. MWO will not work with client-side mods.
1. Get the MWO installation package from the Downloads section, or via this link: DOWNLOAD MWO
2. Unpack the archive into your NFS:MW folder so that MostWantedOnline.exe and speed.exe end up next to each other.
3. Run MostWantedOnline.exe as administrator. Click "Yes" when asked to install MWO.
4. Select any server from the list, create an account and start playing!
Further Steps
* Join our Discord community for frequent updates, community events and more:
* Consider supporting our project financially to get a bunch of exclusive perks:
* If you're tired of Most Wanted's dated visuals, get Plak Graphics to freshen it up:
Plak Graphics (use code 'MWO' for 10% OFF!)
Have fun!

osdever (September 07, 2017 @ 12:00)
agreed but in fact it prevents total retards from playing and screaming over bugs like that ato guy (DO YOU GET WHAT "IN DEVELOPMENT" MEANS?!). i'm not saying reporting bugs is bad, it, along with the criticising​, is actually helping a lot, but only when people are criticising *constructively* and *reporting* bugs instead of screaming over them. when the mod isnt user-friendly in its development stages it acts like a filter: only smart people get to play it.
DennisStanistan (September 04, 2017 @ 10:50)
@osdever @FurRoseMWCPS MW-Online clearly needs a proper re-work in my opinion since it's not very user-friendly.
FurRoseMWCPS (August 30, 2017 @ 14:34)
I don't even have Hamachi,and is there a way to NOT disable firewall and have this run just fine? Admin also resets settings of graphics
osdever (August 30, 2017 @ 08:58)
dude you MUST run mostwantedonline.exe as admin and you MUST disable firewall along with Hamachi @FurRoseMWCPS