Most Wanted Online by MWO Team

Category: Miscellaneous | Game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Most Wanted Online

Your childhood game is now online. Isn't that great?


- The MWO server has been completely rewritten yet again. The new server is much more stable and supports much more players playing simultaneously.
- The MWO launcher has been rewritten from scratch. The new launcher supports auto-updating, server lists and much more.
- The Haont authorization system has been ditched. While you still need an account, the system is now much less buggy and it is much easier to create one.
- The old MirrorHook D3D hooks have been replaced. ReShade works with MWO now!

- Vehicle sync has been rewritten using code from PlakMP to ensure a smoother experience; cars won't jump, teleport and/or fly away when using the new sync.
- The in-game chat system has been rewritten using code from PlakMP. Complete with proper hotkey support (read: T to open it, Esc to close it), the chat has become much more pleasant to use and fancier in general.
- The world speedtrap system, having made its short appearance for a few weeks back in 2018, has been brought back and improved. Rankings are now saved properly, and the UI for it has been rewritten to use the original game's race leaderboards.
- The race lobby screen has been rewritten to fix input bugs and improve stability.
- Cinematic cutscenes such as jump cameras and pursuit start zoom-ins have been disabled in order to prevent desync.
- The Speedbreaker feature has been cut from the game in order to prevent desync.
- In order to prevent desync, the pause menu no longer pauses the world; we've decided to disable input and force-stop your vehicle instead.
- A crash handler has been implemented to catch errors and create dump files with the game state at the moment of the crash. This makes sure the game never insta-crashes to the desktop with no error message or any other way to find out what happened.
- Many minor issues have been addressed and fixed, making MWO experience much more stable than it was during the 2.0 stage.

Have fun!



osdever (September 07, 2017 @ 12:00)
agreed but in fact it prevents total retards from playing and screaming over bugs like that ato guy (DO YOU GET WHAT "IN DEVELOPMENT" MEANS?!). i'm not saying reporting bugs is bad, it, along with the criticising​, is actually helping a lot, but only when people are criticising *constructively* and *reporting* bugs instead of screaming over them. when the mod isnt user-friendly in its development stages it acts like a filter: only smart people get to play it.

DennisStanistan (September 04, 2017 @ 10:50)
@osdever @FurRoseMWCPS MW-Online clearly needs a proper re-work in my opinion since it's not very user-friendly.

FurRoseMWCPS (August 30, 2017 @ 14:34)
I don't even have Hamachi,and is there a way to NOT disable firewall and have this run just fine? Admin also resets settings of graphics

osdever (August 30, 2017 @ 08:58)
dude you MUST run mostwantedonline.exe as admin and you MUST disable firewall along with Hamachi @FurRoseMWCPS

FurRoseMWCPS (August 30, 2017 @ 07:31)
Just tried it out with my boyfriend,it doesn't work we can't see eachother,we both have the widescreen fix and extra options installed,didn't launch mostwantedonline.exe as admin though and didn't disable firewall,help please?

Uploaded on August 28, 2017 at 12:39:22.
Last updated on May 01, 2021 at 14:44:35.

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