Mazda MX 5 2015 Roof

Do not apply any underglow/Neon vanity items to the car, your game will crash when you leave garage (also just in case backup your save before using this mod,
C:\Users\*Your User*\Documents\Need for Speed(TM) Payback copy the SaveGame folder)
The Tiresmoke and nitro flame seem to be working just fine
The roof i used is actually the hard top from the 96 MX5 so it will not look perfect, i positioned it as close as i could to make it look good, you may see a gap between the roof and side windows. Also this will not affect the 96 MX 5 at all.
In the wrap editor some decals will not show up quite right on the top and windows with this mod
There is a conflict with the latest version and Ultimate Customization Mod. To avoid a conflict follow these directions
1. disable Ultimate Customization mod
2. enable new version of mazda MX5 roof
3. buy Mazda MX5 2015 from any dealer
4. exit game (make sure game has saved)
5. reload game with ultimate customization and version 1.0(labeled NC in files) of this mod

AntiLoser (November 24, 2018 @ 02:11)
A person told me that vanity item mods i made (on another site) can work with this version, I haven't tested it myself since i have a legit version

AVENTADOR (November 23, 2018 @ 13:28)
One Question :If NFS Payback June Update Get Crack , Any Mods For Origin Version Working For Crack Version ? Or No (For Example Vanity Items Mod)