[Carbon] Extended Cameras

New Cameras:
- Most Wanted's Far Cam
- Ghost (15/Payback)
Installation guide is included in the file.
Imgur Gallery

NOTE: This modification replaces close and far cameras.

zkrsz (March 08, 2024 @ 07:35)
• To anyone who need little height to the close cam in this mod..• Simply change it manually, open VLT-ed >> camerainfo >> default >> close (click and see to the right panel, expand >HEIGHT section, you'll see [0] with value 1.35 , change it to 1.55 or 1.65 or any higher you like) then Save (CTRL + S)
• Hope this help for those who always hitting traffic car while using close cam mod 👍

Antonio (May 28, 2023 @ 06:58)
I'd like all the Most Wanted camera angles, or at least the 4 main ones (bumper, hood, close and far), for this game.
FoC2007th (September 11, 2022 @ 14:19)
How uninstall
pr83 (November 11, 2021 @ 08:45)
The close one needs height tweak man. Can't see anything ahead of me. I've hit traffic so many times that i only saw after i got spun out.