Hummer H1 Alpha

This vehicle was one of the cut cars of the released version of the game.
Vehicle was ported from a PS3 beta build, keeping all its original data (the files were updated to work on a PC version).
The vehicle is not accessible by the easydrive menu or jack spot. You need to spawn the car using a vehicle spawner.
Put the files that are inside the .rar file into the VEHICLES folder at the game installation directory.


And (July 26, 2021 @ 06:43)
Хорошо бы сделали ещё русский машины как например ваз, и газ лады и полицейские машины ладу 2115
Deathend28 (April 24, 2021 @ 14:59)
when i load the car with the CT of Enksx1 it changes the value back? why tho
Dany126PL (April 09, 2019 @ 13:33)
I know how it works now (Thanks for publishing this mod here!)
Dany126PL (April 09, 2019 @ 10:01)
How to drive this vehicle??