Chevrolet Corvette Stingray by DGIorio

Category: Cars | Game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)

Chevrolet Corvette Stingray

Chevrolet Corvette Stingray for NFS: Most Wanted 2012.

This vehicle was one of the cut cars of the released version of the game.
Vehicle was ported from a PS3 beta build, keeping all its original data (the files were updated to work on a PC version).

The vehicle is not accessible by the easydrive menu or jack spot. You need to spawn the car using a vehicle spawner.

Put the files that are inside the .rar file into the VEHICLES folder at the game installation directory.


XMD007 (March 25, 2019 @ 20:21)
Enksx1 Make A New Car Changer Please ?

Enksx1 (March 25, 2019 @ 20:08)
this thread gave me autism

hrjohn (March 25, 2019 @ 15:35)
yeah, see the comment below for my ID's file and enksx1's car changer

[Deleted Account] (March 25, 2019 @ 07:32)
The car changer that's mentioned in the description is not actually linked however exists made by Enksx1. The ID for the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray is in a .txt file also made by Enksx1 i have no idea why didn't the author include these as they are required to use the mod

7ndrew (March 24, 2019 @ 11:55)
triggered blyat lmfao