Hidden Preset Wraps

After going to followed artist tab go back to my wraps in order to apply. I know its weird but it works. Also please ignore the map file, i accidently uploaded it to wrong page

Katana101 (October 02, 2023 @ 21:01)
Hello, I downloaded the mod and installed it with Frosty but it doesn't seem to work as the followed artist tab is completely empty. I also have the ultimate patch so maybe that's messing with it?
PurpleRain666 (November 24, 2021 @ 18:58)
I never had on my hands a NFS Payback
AntiLoser (August 21, 2019 @ 22:18)
The update allows you to keep the community tab open. in the community tab switch to followed artists and then back to my wraps to apply preset wraps. then go back to community wraps and select a different filter to get back to my wraps
AVENTADOR (August 19, 2019 @ 16:24)
what is in this update?