NFSMW - Restored BMW M3 CSL

Extract the rar's contents to a folder
In Binary 2.1.0 or greater, click on "Launch Binary For Users" (left big button) and open the BMW M3 CSL.end file.
Follow the on-screen instructions and save when prompted.
With NFS-VltEd, go to File > Import > Modscript, open the install.nfsms file, select Install Car, click Install and save.
To use add-on cars you should either create a new savefile or patch your existing savefile with the Save Patcher and Save Editor tools. Patch the save first then open the save with the save editor and save it.
What's new?:
- Changed installation method from Ed to Binary for simpler method
- NFSMW Unlimiter
- Binary by MaxHwoy
- and a brain (honestly)
Credit to:
- MaxHwoy for Binary
- Valen1991 for some fixes
- And YOU! for downloading this!

FarrelPrayoga157 (August 10, 2022 @ 21:05)
@elaymm4, sure bud!
V1RUS123 (June 11, 2022 @ 23:39)
Sir, how can i fix this error "Endscript version was of invalid format, expected [VERSN1]?
elaymm4 (February 21, 2022 @ 17:42)
Hey man, couldn't contact you on discord. I know it's really late to ask something like this, but I should. Can I use your model in Beta Content mod?
RTN14 (November 10, 2020 @ 01:09)
no bodykit?