NFSU2 - Show Hidden Races Mod

by MaxHwoy
Greetings! This mod unhides all hidden events that you may encounter in NFS UG2 career. In order to install
it, simply replace your GlobalB.lzc file in the game's directory (Game Dir\GLOBAL\GlobalB.lzc) with the one
the mod provides. You do not need a new savegame unless you want to create one.
This mod is a first test of a new upcoming tool for editing NFSUG2, as well as NFSMW and NFSC named Binary.
If you would like to be notified on future updates and upcoming mods, join the official discord group:
- Fixed various parts being initially unlocked or not unlocked at all.
Have a nice day!
- MaxHwoy (development of both the mod and Binary)

WF4123 (June 21, 2020 @ 15:58)
does it works on olymic imports
frannco1099 (April 11, 2020 @ 16:43)
could you make a script of this for binary? if i open your globalb.lzc file it just restarts to default
MaxHwoy (April 03, 2020 @ 03:34)
Unlocks have been fixed. You can redownload fixed version and just replace your GlobalB.lzc file.

Splash45 (March 23, 2020 @ 16:26)
Seems like the mod needs more work. A lot of parts and upgrades gets unlocked too early. Because of it, getting a higher star rating will crash the game upon entering free roam. Good thing I was able to backup the file.