[NFS C] Autosculpt Rims Pack

Need for Speed: Carbon - Autosculpt Rims Pack
How to install:
1. Extract archive to any folder
2. Open Binary as User
3. Pick "Install.end" and then game folder
4. Save files and run the game
5. Create a new save file
Do NOT reupload to any site without my permission
Made by Archie
What's new:
- Added 11 new rims(21 total)
- Instalation is now done via Binary
- Tires now use normal map texture
- Removed Tire Brands and Track Width options as they are now available in Extended Customization
Fixed script that did not create the material for a rim lip
Removed mip maps that might help with texture issues

FelipaoGamer6452 (April 23, 2024 @ 21:22)
Hey dude, can you make Rays Volk RE30 as one of the Autosculpt Rims in NFS Carbon?
M8nstar (February 05, 2024 @ 13:59)
hey archie ... Autosculpt Rims hv some issues with EC i think :- can only applies in front wheel otherwise game will crash
- cant use decals in stance 4 and tires customization doesnt work with it

Archie (December 02, 2023 @ 11:05)
In what way does this one not work? It should work the same way after reinstall, the reason reinstall is needed is because ec overrides wheels node in binary
BIllCIpher (December 02, 2023 @ 01:12)
all is good until i installed the extended customization mod. the extended customization works but this one doesn't. tried to reinstall this mod but no luck. any suggestion?