Last Breath Final Version

True 4K ROAD (4096*4096 and 1024*8192)
Remastered Map And Tracks (Exclusive!)
Other HD Textures (250+) (1024*1024)
Fog by AMTxDRxRL <3 Thanks
HD Reflection by Aero <3 Thanks
Extra Options by nlgzrgn <3 Thanks
HDRI Skybox by BadassBaboon <3 Thanks

Remastered Map And Tracks.

V 1.3.1 ver
-Shader ray tracing was removed, at the request of the right holder.
-Fixed crash,optimized tpf
-The sky was cut from 8K to 4K because there were bugs.
v 1.5
-Screen Space Reflection shader removed , because it's not needed.
-Fixed the world's animations, now they works...
-Some textures have been reworked.
-Added and corrected the latest textures.

- Do not repack any textures (including a map with routes) and record videos like "Redux Shit".
- You are allowed to repack for yourself if you do not want a complete modification.
Please appreciate other people's work.
YouTube Video -
Enjoy your game.

umisery (October 05, 2023 @ 01:53)
Great mod, would be nice to have a non-TexMod version.
Henouki (August 16, 2023 @ 11:30)
How i install this?
RGP (July 18, 2023 @ 22:31)
can you use textwizard cheers
Johan007 (June 10, 2023 @ 01:28)
my game crashes and closes every time I install this mod
Erondondon (May 25, 2023 @ 09:00)
A как скачать тоDownload
23f676-372mb-U2_LastBreath_Final.rar (Size: 135 bytes) Latest Version
331a0e-366.5 MB V1.5 - LastBreath link .rar (Size: 138 bytes) Old Version
8f887f-v1.3.1 U2-Last Breath Link.rar (Size: 160 bytes) Old Version
ab6296-v1.3 U2-Last Breath Link.rar (Size: 158 bytes) Old Version
996d45-U2_LastBreath_v1.1.rar.rar (Size: 141 bytes) Old Version
a519c1-u2-LB(link).rar (Size: 136 bytes) Old Version