Mitsubishi Lancer 2.5 ES (Addon)

1. Bodykits
2. Spoilers
3. Rims
4. Hoods
5. Paint (and Rim Paint)
6. Vinyls (Available in both 512x and 1024x)
7. Window Tint
8. Decals on windshield
9. Custom Gauges
-Available from the beginning
-Costs 20500
-Stats from UG1 Lancer
-Cops refers the car as "Mitsubishi"
-Customizable license plate (via NFS TexEd)
-1 Exclusive 1024x vinyl
Known issues:
-When fully upgraded, max top speed is 180 MPH (will change if someone complain)
Minor issues:
-nothing wwong hewe mistew uwu
1. Put the LANCER folder in the CARS folder
2. Select a Vinyls option (512x: Stock, 1024x: Recompiled) and move the "VINYLS.BIN" to "CARS/LANCER" folder
3. Open NFS-VltEd and import lancer.nfsms, save and exit
4. Copy the Ed folder to where you put Ed
5. Open "Ed.exe", click "Main" -> "Open" and search for the game installation folder
6. Click "Tools" -> "Unlock Game Files For Modding"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Make a new save game and enjoy your ride (or just modify your current save game)
-Black Box for making this car
-IKEY07 for adding the interior and some extra stuff
-Vrataski for helping me with the UV
-nfsu360 for NFS-CarToolkit, NFS-VltEd and NFS-TexEd
-nlgzrgn for Ed and the NFSMW Unlimiter

[Deleted Account] (May 10, 2020 @ 16:55)
The car lacks normal mapping for badging and tires, interior is wrong (you just took the Lancer Evo 8), there are unnecessary textures such as driver skin (which is already in the game). I have a interior modeled. You can use it but be sure to credit me.
Goodboygamer (May 09, 2020 @ 00:53)
@TEARSTREAT801 404 not found...for now...i guess...
TEARSTREAT801 (May 08, 2020 @ 21:33)
Where are the breaks?
Valen1991 (May 08, 2020 @ 09:51)
@RealRaptoReX. Yeah, it must be increased..png)
RealRaptoReX (May 08, 2020 @ 02:17)
Nice mod! But i really think 180mph is a bit low, maybe should be 200-220YouTube Video
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