[CARBON] NFS 2015 Style Map

NFS 2015 style Radar map for Carbon
A Ventura bay styled minimap for NFS Carbon.
You may think this is just a cheap retexture, but it's not. The entire map is re-drawn at a 1024x1024 resolution per each texture block, and to add to the detail, a small amount of chromatic aberration is present in the map to better replicate how NFS 2015's map looks like. Carbon's map can be often confusing as to where exactly some roads are, hopefully, this mod will also help you navigate Palmont City easier. And as a bonus, a detailed version of the pause menu map is included from NFS Carbon Remastered UI.
Please keep the credits if you wish to use this for any purpose.
And last but not least, here are some more screenshots:


BadassBaboon (July 01, 2020 @ 15:59)
@trackmaniamatt It is possible, but it'll take a long time, so I might not do MW.
trackmaniamatt (June 08, 2020 @ 21:57)
This is incredible! Nice work! :DWould this be possible for NFSMW as well?

Aegon (June 06, 2020 @ 02:32)
Whatever I fix the bug
Aegon (June 06, 2020 @ 02:00)
I don't see the screenshot icons in my game, could you leave some link to download them, please