2005 Dodge Charger SRT-8 (LX) [Add-On]

2005 Dodge Charger SRT8 (LX)
Technical Information:
Converted by: nlgxzef
Converted from: NFS Carbon & World
Replaces: Nothing
Car folder name (XName): CHARGER06
- Body Kits: Stock + 5
- Spoilers
- Rims
- Hoods
- Roof Scoops
- Engine: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Transmission: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Suspension: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Nitrous: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Tires: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Brakes: Super Pro, Ultimate
- Turbo / Supercharger: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Paint
- Vinyls: 512x and 1024x texture packs available. Fully compatible with NFSMW Recompiled Vinyls.
- Rim Paint
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Numbers
- Custom Gauges
- Custom performance data. (Based from NFS Carbon.)
- Own collision data converted from NFS Carbon.
- Available after defeating Jewels, Blaclist Rival 8 in career mode. (Cost: 90,000)
- Vanilla "Paul Walker" driver model from NFS Most Wanted.
- Debug Texture (in Vinyls.bin)
- LOD parts
- Working brakelights on/off textures.
- Damage (Scratches)
Known Issues:
- Nothing so far.
- Please report if you see any other issues.
! If you have installed add-on cars via Ed or NFSMW ReCompiler before, this car may break your game.
Please backup these files before doing anything.
- Frontend: FrontA.bun, FrontB.lzc
- Global: Attributes.bin, FE_Attrib.bin, Gameplay.bin, Gameplay.lzc, GlobalB.bun, GlobalB.lzc
- Languages: Whole folder
! If you have NFSMW Mod Loader and replacement cars installed using it, please remove them.
This mod WILL BREAK Mod Loader compatibility.
1) Download and install the latest version of NFSMW Unlimiter: (Compatible with any version, v3 and up is recommended)
2) Install required car data using Binary: (Compatible with Binary v2.8.3 and up)
1) Download and install the latest version of Binary: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/1638
2) Run Binary as administrator.
3) Select User Mode. (Tap/click the icon on left.)
4) Select the "_CHARGER06-Part1-Binary.end" from the dialog and tap/click OK.
5) Select your game installation directory.
6) Installation prompt will appear. Choose "Install" to continue with the installation.
7) Another prompt will appear to choose vinyls resolution. Choose 512x (Default) or 1024x (HQ) according to the vinyl texture files of other cars.
8) Wait for it to get installed.
9) When the file save prompt appears, tap/click Yes.
10) When the run game prompt appears, tap/click No.
11) Quit Binary.
3) Install required vault data using NFS-VltEd: (Compatible with NFS-VltEd v4.5 and up)
1) Download and install the latest version of NFS-VltEd:
2) Run NFS-VltEd as administrator.
3) When the main window appears, select File > Open from the menu bar, or press "Ctrl+O".
4) A new dialog will appear. Choose your game installation directory.
5) Select File > Import > ModScript from menu bar, or press "Ctrl+I".
6) Select the "_CHARGER06-Part2-VltEd.nfsms" from the dialog and tap/click OK.
7) Mod script installation dialog will appear. Choose and tap/click Install to install the mod.
8) Save the files by selecting File > Save from menu bar, or pressing "Ctrl+S".
9) Quit NFS-VltEd.
4) Run your game and create a new save game; or use a save patcher (not recommended).
5) Enjoy your new car!
NOTE: If you have a FrontA.bun file with a size bigger than 0, please delete it to make the car logos work properly.
Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)
* Fixed alpha blending for the silver slats texture.
+ Added Binary installation method!
- Deprecated Ed installation method in favor of Binary.
* Moved some textures into GlobalB.lzc for consistency.
* Updated vinyl texture files for maximum compatibility with NFSMW Recompiled Vinyls.
* Fixed VerbalType. Cops won't call this car a "Mini" anymore.
! Initial release.
- ASC for a modified version of NFSU2/MW Texture Compiler by nfsu360, which is used to compile a 512x vinyl texture file.
- MaxHwoy for Binary v2, which is a stable and great tool to edit Global data for NFS games.
- nfsu360 for NFS-CarToolkit, NFS-VltEd, NFS-TexEd and NFSU2/MW Texture Compiler, which make modding the game just easier.
- Oleg Melashenko for ZModeler v2.2.5, where some of the conversion work is done.
- The Blender Foundation for Blender, where the remaining conversion work is done.
- nlgxzef for NFSMW Unlimiter and converting the car.
© 2022 nlgxzef @ ExOpts Team. No rights reserved.

Liaxis (July 07, 2020 @ 08:07)
Ah, it also crashes in career mode lol. @nlgzrgn this might be a bug.
Liaxis (July 07, 2020 @ 08:05)
It crashes everytime I try to choose it in quick race events, any update on that? I thought it was because I have a lot of mods installed, but it still crashes when it's the only mod installed.
CovRETA37 (June 11, 2020 @ 19:40)
i thought this car was born at 2006, not 2005.
Sylens (June 11, 2020 @ 18:50)
There seems to be a problem with the cop chatter. I don't know if I'm hearing it right but when the dispatch is trying to ID the car it says: Suspect is driving a <color> "mini"? I'm not sure if It's just a problem from me or the mod itself. Other than that, pretty neat mod!