[Addon]M3 GTR 2012 Fixed

Author: Nitro
convert to addon by RTN14
well my last job before is not really great and many people has issue the game crashing that because i use wrong file is my old project , here the new one, i fix everything on this
3D-model BMW M3 GTR for NFS Most Wanted, convert from NFS Most Wanted 2012. Replace Replace Nothing.
this car come with Heat Vinyls, Hero 2005 Vinyls, Hero 2012, and ALMS made by Venom Leg, and some skin that converted from MW 2012
well i know some of you guys can't even run Heat on your laptop so i made this car feel like M3 GTR from Heat (well kinda)
- fully customisable performance
-Change able rims
-window tint
-everything that i not mention is not customisable
fixed some error that occure because i forget to fix something
pro tips: instal random spoiler for more downforce :D
in How To Install file
-EA Ghost for some asset i use
-Venom Leg for some skin that i use
-nglrzn for Extra option and unlimiter
Thank you for providing the user NFSModDev model and help in converting.
Also thanks for the tips the user Eclipse_72rus user to compile the model.
* - Paint is possible, but due to the applied skin color will not appear.
* - Performance is Upgradable and this car unlocked after defeat Baron
** - Install new skins only makes sense on the version of the model with a pre-skinned.
Site author: http://nfs-community.com
Blog author: http://nfs-community.com/forum/59-1061-1
p.s don't reupload this without my permission or not credit people that i mention in credit
and soon if i can remake this car model i will make this car can fully customisable

RTN14 (August 19, 2020 @ 14:41)
oh no i forget to change the sound filed :l
MasterJedi (August 17, 2020 @ 14:55)
full perfomance upgrade make my game crush when i try enter race
CheapAssVideos (August 17, 2020 @ 12:47)
Suggestions:1. Change the title to MW2012 so it doesn't look like a scam
2. Stop using divas' logos, believe me, it will only decrease your chance of getting downloads