[NFSC] 8K HDRI Skyboxes

8K High Dynamic Range Imaging Skybox
This is NOT a TexEd .tpf mod, it goes directly in the game files.
This mod changes the dark bland sky of NFS Carbon to something more vibrant and colorful, you have 8 different sky textures to choose from, and the sky slowly moves to feel more realistic.
Recommended to use with NFSC HD Reflections
CREDITS: BadassBaboon - Archie


faszkivanmindennel95 (November 05, 2020 @ 09:17)
I love it, but can u make it 512*2048? otherwise my game does not start , thank you
JOHN30011887 (November 01, 2020 @ 21:43)
I found a temp solution, in the widescreen fix i chose option ImproveGamepadSupport = 3, that still gives proper controller support but doesn't show any custom xbox or ps buttons, however i noticed that using texed with your mod file 8KHDRISKY.bun i can add the xbox buttons by replacing textures, can use the same textures that the widescreen fix uses by going to https://github.com/AeroWidescreen/WidescreenFixesPack/tree/master/textures/NFS/textures
BadassBaboon (November 01, 2020 @ 18:37)
@Angelo That's unlikely to happen because of the weird ways time cycles works in MW, but never say never.@JOHN30011887 Apparently .tpk blocks that come with widescreen fix interfere with the mod somehow, I recon it's best to keep it set to 0 since I won't bother finding a way around this issue.

JOHN30011887 (November 01, 2020 @ 16:19)
Strange bug happens where sky is only Green, when using latest widescreen fix the option called ImproveGamepadSupport = 0 causes the bug, when set to ImproveGamepadSupport = 1 it turns the screen green but when its set to 0 the sky is perfect, i went through all setting to find what caused the bug and thats the one :(