[NFSC] 8K HDRI Skyboxes

8K High Dynamic Range Imaging Skybox
This is NOT a TexEd .tpf mod, it goes directly in the game files.
This mod changes the dark bland sky of NFS Carbon to something more vibrant and colorful, you have 8 different sky textures to choose from, and the sky slowly moves to feel more realistic.
Recommended to use with NFSC HD Reflections
CREDITS: BadassBaboon - Archie


tsu (April 01, 2023 @ 00:43)
yea after one race the green sky happens and even with the pad set to 3 it still comes, hopefully there is a fix for this soon cause it makes the game look so good and the green sky issues ruins it
RSNJA (February 05, 2023 @ 14:32)
with the horizon* (sorry for multiple messages.
RSNJA (February 05, 2023 @ 14:30)
Specifically the skybox issue.
RSNJA (February 05, 2023 @ 14:28)
>BadassBaboon (October 21, 2021 @ 22:44)See, the horizon bug is hardly fixable by me, it's an issue caused by the way Carbon does its skybox, however, I'll look into it, as well as the green sky for more prominent fixes.
Hi, I just made an account to reply to this, since this is a known issue, could you mention that in the description please? I had to go through all of my mods before realizing this was the issue. For people that aren't technically inclined it would be rather bothersome. Thank you.