[NFSC] 8K HDRI Skyboxes

8K High Dynamic Range Imaging Skybox
This is NOT a TexEd .tpf mod, it goes directly in the game files.
This mod changes the dark bland sky of NFS Carbon to something more vibrant and colorful, you have 8 different sky textures to choose from, and the sky slowly moves to feel more realistic.
Recommended to use with NFSC HD Reflections
CREDITS: BadassBaboon - Archie


Nesquik (October 19, 2022 @ 17:09)
Sky is beautiful until entering a safehouse/car lot. It turns green whenever I exit to freeroam or race. Nothing seems to fix it, either ImproveGamepadSupport to 3; 2; 1, or setting game to windowed mod. In graphics option I have trilinear filtering (dont know if its important). Anyone got a solution?
ZERICHO (October 16, 2022 @ 17:01)
Green sky problem. Setting ImproveGamepadSupport to 3 won't launch the game.
AllZ0ku (October 12, 2022 @ 02:38)
After installing your 8k skyboxes, I noticed that when we go to the "CarLot" and exit, the game crashes...
carlangasnake (December 30, 2021 @ 22:00)
Ive done everything as the README says, but this error message appears every time I open the game:"Unable to load XNFS-ShaderLoader-Carbon.asi. Error: 126"
Also theres no sky at all, just plain black, any way to fix this?

SMighty (December 30, 2021 @ 08:35)
Hello everyone, this is the link to fix the green sky problem. Previously I have tried this and it is 100% proven:https://mega.nz/file/l5E2SZBR#L1MDK3M961pi8Y-dzKwLkYtpQq1gWSt2H1HiAblJGek