ProStreet Car Sound Restoration

ProStreet Car Sound Restoration
Some of the PS's car sound files originally reached over internal 1mb limit, some of them are improperly encoded, making them unusable or sound not up to par with some other sounds.
This mod restores some of them, making them usable again.
Files affected
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_077-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_077-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_085-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_087-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_087-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_089-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_103-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_103-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_113-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_113-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_114-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_114-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_115-engine.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_115-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_127-exhaust.tmx
- SOUND/ENGINE/car_129-exhaust.tmx
- Put SOUND folder into root folder of the game;
- Optionally you can install a VLT Script fix cad_ctsvr_a.nfsms via VLTEd, which fixes the game from immediately crashing after your car starts driving, if you use cad_ctsvr_a engineaudio_ng nodes.
- 1.0: initial release.
- 1.1: added files for ply_cuda_a (car_077).
- 1.2: added file for exhaust chr_srt8_a (car_085).
- 1.3: added files for engine and exhaust for dod_vip_d (car_115) from Hot Pursuit 2010 Viper Final Edition and cor_c6r_a (car_113) from Grid 2019 C7.R.
- nfsu360 for VLTEd;
- Black Box, Criterion and Codemasters for original sounds;
- jfwfreo for snrtool code.

d0nM4X1 (May 28, 2024 @ 15:03)
Hey, could you fix "chevelle_a" sound file? Because it crashes every time I use it..jpeg)
Erce (October 03, 2023 @ 19:11)
Does this mod bring the F1 Sounds from the Xbox 360 and PS3 releases to the PC version?.jpeg)
Erce (August 25, 2023 @ 15:42)
sounds accurate to real life now?
kerro (April 10, 2022 @ 15:26)
hello i prepared car audio for prostreet so i can convert it to .tmx format
Neon114 (February 09, 2022 @ 14:09)
Hey man, I gotta ask you two things.1 - can I use this in my mod? You'll be credited.
2 - Will you do the same for World ones? As you know, World ones have same problem as cad_ctsvr_b when backported to PS and UC, they are slient when using -player prefix but heard when using -AI, a fix for those would be good.