.R Lighting Mod

v3.55: reorganized scripts, new alternate sunset (sunrise) setting.
v3.5: adjusted timeofday and visuallook values, sunny now has warmer lighting.
Completetly re-done from the ground up
Standard, Standard (no overbright) and X360 Stuff v2-compatible (VLTEd version exclusive) versions available
Alternate sunset settings (a cool morning sunrise) for the above
Optional reduced brightness patch for certain texture mods
Uninstall option for VLTEd version (returns it to vanilla values)
First unzip the zip to a folder, then:
Modloader Version
Move any of the folders in the _ModLoader Version/Standard or _ModLoader Version/Alternate Sunset (Sunrise) folder to the ADDONS\CARS_REPLACE folder of NFSMW
VLTEd Version
In NFS-VLTEd go to File > Import > ModScript (Ctrl+I) and import the _VLTEd Version\.R Lighting Mod -v3- Setup.nfsms file. Follow the prompts and save.
Used tools:
Notepad | NFS-VLTEd | RockportEd
If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:
keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.

ZetsuRX (August 25, 2021 @ 02:30)
Can you provide an uninstall option, as i could not go to freeroam after installing (it crashes, probably conflict with other graphic mods), it overwrites many main files in GLOBAL and this is a problem , because i have 100+ car addons and a lot more things installed in this particular directory.
[Deleted Account] (July 25, 2021 @ 10:00)
This looks beautiul
SNS360 (March 23, 2021 @ 12:07)
This Mod is amazing especially with the XBOX360 graphics mod. Thanks
Dumper (February 16, 2021 @ 17:17)
Thank you so much!
Fierelier (September 08, 2020 @ 17:51)
fantastic, i saw some of your car mods and wondered where the great lighting came from. i use this with this adjusted visual treatment and modern rockport, definitely one of my favorite mods, thank you!Download
4418d5-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v3- [NFS .R Garage - www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 1.6MB) Latest Version
a9b95f-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v3-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 1.6MB) Old Version
a7edd8-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v3-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 1.34MB) Old Version
53cf9f-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v3-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 1.47MB) Old Version
0c6956-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v3-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 1.47MB) Old Version
70571d-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v2-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 557.37KB) Old Version
3a1ec0-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v2-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 556.9KB) Old Version
5a0d41-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod [www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 774.06KB) Old Version
30f89f-[NFSMW-Misc] .R Lighting Mod -v2-[www.nfsridescr.blogspot.com].rar (Size: 556.89KB) Old Version