Karl Smit "Baron" Porsche 918 Spyder

(After the Rockport Incident)
Karl Smit after getting busted and losing his Cayman back in 2005 and completing his 7-year prison sentence (why was that long lol), he took a plane to Fairhaven for restart his life and forget his past. Suddenly his passion for reckless driving and flouting the law was ignited. Buying a 918 Spyder and repainting it like his old Cayman, he decided to enter the BL to test himself against the other racers and see if he can drive like the old days. Will you be able to beat him in his race and taking his ride?
How to Install (Car Livery/Skin)
1. Backup the original .BNDL files from \Need for Speed Most Wanted\VEHICLES
2. Replace the mod .BNDL files in \Need for Speed Most Wanted\VEHICLES
How to Install Language Modification ((English Only)) (modified blacklist name and his license plate)
1. Backup the original 0001.BNDL file from \Need for Speed Most Wanted\UI\LANGUAGE
2. Replace the mod 0001.BNDL file in \Need for Speed Most Wanted\UI\LANGUAGE


KingFlow16K (August 16, 2022 @ 17:02)
Nice could you get the from NFS heat yeah that one it would also be great if you could get the sound mod for the car
TheRagingSound (April 21, 2022 @ 05:12)
Can we have a full black one plz!
Ariso (April 10, 2022 @ 12:46)
Smexy, good to have you back
SkeetAR79 (April 10, 2022 @ 06:58)
holy shitgreat job man