NFSUC - Beta HUD Ported

version 1.0
by elaymm4
This mod will port beta blue HUD from Xbox 360 Alpha 161 build.
ATTENTION: This mod is intended to be installed on version of the game. There are no guarantees given that it will work on later patches. You've been warned.
NOTE: It's recommended, that the path to your game folder does not contain any cyrillic letters, or any symbols like dot, and your game is not on a system drive.
This mod is compatible with (and is recommended to be used with):
- Beta Visuals
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======== BUGS/ISSUES ========
- Originally, with beta hud, there would be a softlock during normal races and checkpoint events. This was fixed by removing countdown sequence, so now these races start immediatelly after cinematic intro is done.
- Some elements may look strange because they are placeholders (like damage bar in job events)
- Some text may say "DEFAULT STRING" / "MISSING STRING"
======== CHANGELOG ========
==== VERSION 1.0 ====
- Ported beta hud file from beta version of the game
- Ported beta hud textures using Intel GPA
======== CREDITS ========
- elaymm4
- nfsu360 (NFS-VltEd, NFS-Disculator, NFS-Hasher)
- MaxHwoy (Binary)
- LegSolo (Help with fixing softlocks)
- unknown (likely GrandTheftAero) (NFS Undercover Alpha 161 build)
- Intel Corporation (Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers)