[NFSC] Underground Garage

Replaces the main menu garage with Underground 1's.
How to install:
1. Install FELoader.
2. Drop everything from Install forlder to your game folder.
You are NOT allowed to distribute or reupload this mod.
For any questions and details on how to use - join my Discord server.
Thanks to Tekizyte for 3d modelling and texturing.
Thanks to Vicius for providing textures and texture work.
This whould not be possible if not for this two)
Made by ARCHIE, Tekizyte, Vicius

Archie (June 04, 2023 @ 07:38)
No, not possible, only way is to combine multiple garages into one bin file
Antoninoturbo (June 02, 2023 @ 14:43)
Is there a way to use this custom garage whit other custom garages? (basicaly load multiple custom garages in FE loader)
InfinityMain (May 29, 2023 @ 18:01)
@TerminatorVasya Ah I see. A bit of a shame that the animations can't be carried over to Most Wanted yet.
TerminatorVasya (May 29, 2023 @ 17:15)
@infinitymain it's possible but without animation