ProStreet Car Sound Overhaul by The_Unpunished

Category: Audio | Game: Need for Speed: ProStreet

ProStreet Car Sound Overhaul


This project aims to fully overhaul car sounds in the game


  • Every car has a new car sound treatment!
  • Stock and Upgraded sounds for every car are changed
  • All verbal types for every car possible are restored (announcers will react to new cars more often)
  • AI car sounds tweaked to reflect their cars' performance
  • Turbo and Supercharger sounds are revamped
  • Gear whine sound updated
  • Backfire sounds have been tweaked


  • This mod is tested to be compatible with vanilla game, if any issues occur with non-vanilla game, you're on your own
  • Put the SOUNDS folder into the root of the game's folder, replace files when prompted
  • Open VltEd and import install.nfsms script, save
  • Enjoy!


  • Audacity to edit sound files
  • snrtool by jwfreo to encode idles
  • My own gintool to encode .gin files
  • My own tmxtool to encode .tmx files
  • Codemasters .bdl extractor for older Dirt and Grid games car sounds
  • Hex Workshop to manually edit .tmx files
  • Frostbite-Scripts to extract Frostbite engine assets
  • noesis to extract Chameleon engine assets


  • Codemasters, EA Black Box, Criterion, Ghost for making car sound files

Short showcase


  • 1.0 initial release
  • 1.0.1 Fixed some cars (incl. Lamborghini Murcielago) having a missing sound file. No VLT changes required, redownload the mod and replace old files with new ones


TheUnpunished (August 28, 2023 @ 01:42)
Can't really make a showcase for all 76 cars

SemKill (August 28, 2023 @ 00:15)
great, but we need a showcase video

Uploaded on August 26, 2023 at 01:54:45.
Last updated on September 08, 2023 at 21:33:22.