[NFSC] Mazda RX7

Replaces: RX7
1. Install NFSC Extended Customization.
2. Run Binary in User mode and select install.end.
3. Import install.nfsms ModScript via VLTed.
4. Create a new Save Game.
You are NOT allowed to distribute or reupload this mod.
For any questions and details on how to use - join my Discord server.
Made by Tekizyte, updated by ARCHIE

DominatorCZ (January 07, 2024 @ 23:48)
@TerminatorVasya have you more from Teki? I mean if you have All his mods or some only. Sorry For my bad english
Apex (January 07, 2024 @ 11:56)
@TerminatorVasya I use ECV3
TerminatorVasya (January 07, 2024 @ 02:20)
@apex https://nfsmods.xyz/uploads/mods/2972/3ca213-350Z-ECV1.7z
Apex (January 06, 2024 @ 14:15)
Can you upload the 350z mod?