NFSMW: FBI/Federal Bureau Interceptor

From now on RPD together with the FBI street racer unit, starting from 4th heat level will join pursuit to catch especially wanted racers, Hero is among them. First, they blending in behind crowd with unmarked police Pontiac GTO's, to further assess the circumstances, from heat level 5 onwards will come head-to-head with the pursuing.
• FBI fleet consists of Chevrolet Corvette C6 and Pontiac GTO (Pontiac GTO Only in Version 2)
• Driver's texture roughly resembles an FBI operative in a jumpsuit (Only in Corvette, GTO Driver is WIP)
• Own cop destroyed strings (Only in Version 2)
• Distinctive identifying marks
• FBI cars are valued bounty a little more than police cars. (Only in Version 2)
• Black and white FBI logo on the hood and only there.
Known issues
• The driver texture is a little crooked. Although who am I kidding, are there people who seriously consider polygonal textures of cops?
• Aesthetically, would it look ridiculous with a Cross Henchmans mod where operatives would accompany Cross as an important person? Huh? (Only in Version 1)
Version history:
>Added Binary-VltEd support,
>Added Deploing FBI "Chevrolet Corvette C6" on Heat 5,
>Added new add-on vehicle! - "FBI Pontiac GTO",
>Added Deploing FBI "Pontiac GTO" on Heat 4,
>Added Destroing Strings (English & Russian language support),
>Added Own Bounty Count for FBI Interceptors,
>Updated preview screenshots,
>Added alpha version installation variant.
>Fixed folder name (Sorry for that typo if anyone has encountered the problem),
>Slightly changed model texture.
How to install mod?
Version 1 - Easy Installation (Replace)
Simply move the CARS folder to your root game folder
Version 2 - Optional Installation (Add-on)
Requirements for operability:
NFS MW Unlimiter
1. Open as administrator Binary -> User Mode -> Select Setup_Binary.end -> Choose Install -> Choose Addon -> Save and Close Binary
2. Open VltEd -> Click -> Open -> Choose the root directory your Need For Speed Most Wanted -> Import -> ModScript
You choose to install the car of your choice. If you want to install both, select Chevrolet Corvette C6 first, then repeat the same steps (Except for сhoosing root directory your Need For Speed Most Wanted), only with the Pontiac GTO.
Click - Save
Need For Speed™ Most Wanted by EA Black Box
NFS-TexEd 1.7 by nfsu360
NFS-CarToolkit 3.1 by nfsu360
Binary v2.8.3 by MaxHwoy
NFS-VltEd v4.6 by nfsu360
NFS MW Unlimiter by nlgxzef
Selly - For creating the Binary addon installer
Pro100xDVD - Author
You - for dowloading this mod!
