Undercover Geometry Tool by NI240SX

Category: Tools | Game: Need for Speed: Undercover

Undercover Geometry Tool


If you're a car modder and want your mods to look decent, this will now be a must-have. UCGT replaces the much flawed NFS-CarToolkit by addressing all of its most common and annoying issues.

Source and more information on GitHub : https://github.com/NI240SX/UCGT

Install Java JDK : https://jdk.java.net

UCGT Geometry Editor CLI can do the following :
- decompile/compile UC geometries to/from OBJ and Z3D v2 (no FBX support yet as it is quite pointless in the current state)
- convert your CTK configuration files to UCGT readable ones
- optimize and compress the obtained model to achieve a file size 20 to 40% lighter than CTK, or leave it decompressed for faster loading ingame and easier troubleshooting
- correctly decompile and compile all materials, including doorlines, unmapped carskin, tires...
- assign custom textures to anything within the limits of the game engine (normal maps, opacity, selfillumination, swatch and more)
- it does not randomly break UV and normals for no reason whatsoever
- it does not randomly unweld your model for no reason whatsoever
- it does not randomly cause weird rendering in frontend on some parts
- automatically weld similar vertices to optimize the model
- import vertex colors for pre-baked AO or calculate them using a fast method
- change the scale of markers
- link Autosculpt parts to morph together (such as all KITW01 parts for instance)
- compile welded Autosculpt meshes, much lighter and more optimized for the game than what CTK does
- attempt to fix broken normals on certain vanilla Autosculpt zones
- fix rendering priority issues between overlapping transparent textures
- rename and delete specific parts
- make LODs by copying the closest part available
- allows for a lighter configuration file thanks to partial matches for assigning markers and renaming parts
- and more...

Thumbnail info : font courtesy of Ariso, car used in the next version of Exposed and compiled with UCGT 1.1.3.


NI240SX (September 01, 2024 @ 08:14)
ProStreet is actually a bit simpler and in that matter CTK breaks way less things. I looked it up a little, and the main issue with this game (and earlier) is one of the archiving formats it uses for compressing car parts, which I did not find an open-source decompiler for. So my priorities for this tool are rather polishing UC support (there's some minor issues I keep finding), giving it a GUI and support for compiling textures so CTK will be definitely outdated for UC. After that... I'll see

MisfortuneSeven (September 01, 2024 @ 01:37)
Would be cool to see if ProStreet support comes next just cause it's similar to UC, I think..?

Binglar (August 10, 2024 @ 19:15)
hopefully my porsche won't be broken this time

NI240SX (August 02, 2024 @ 08:56)
only undercover (because it's a game i love to mod and because it's got the worse ctk support out of all, it has new generation material settings which are very powerful but unusable until now), though i might look into making it compatible with some previous titles

InfinityMain (August 02, 2024 @ 05:49)
I wonder if it's exclusively for Undercover or nearly all BlackBox NFS (minus The Run) works with this software.

Uploaded on July 30, 2024 at 22:56:57.
Last updated on August 07, 2024 at 20:51:03.