U22C - Underground 2 to Carbon

This mod is conversion Of Bayview to NFS Carbon.
1. Install the following mods:
NFSC MapLoader
NFSC Limit Adjuster
NFSC Time Of Night (Default filter)
4GB Patch
2. Copy "scripts", "TrackModels", "NFSCMapLoader.ini", "NFSCMapLoader_Config.ini" to your game folder (confirm all replacements).
3. Run Binary, go to "Binary & OGVI" folder, select "U22C Part 1 Binary.end".
4. Select "Install U22C".
5. Run OGVI, (Don't use VLTED here, or game will crash), import "U22C Part 2 OGVI.nfsms"
6. Select "Install U22C", click "Import". Save files.
7. Run the game, go to free roam (recommended to use ExtraOptions' debug menu, press 1 and you will go free roam). Game will freeze, you'll have to wait.
You can also diable vsync for faster map load.
For support please join discord server: https://discord.gg/tVSWZ6P288

Map wasn't moved, scaled or rotated. This means all coordinates from U2 will work here too (ExtraOptions' HotSpot for example)
Map is split into sections for optimization.
Includes U2-like lut for better look.
Entering free roam will spawn you at U2's safehouse position.
Zone trigger at U2's safehouse doesn't work (please use pause menu to get into safehouse)
1.03 - Ported original collision mesh (you wont fall out of map anymore and map is now more playable)
TerminatorVasya (me) - making this mod
ARCHIE - Time Of Night's lut as a base for U2 lut.

yukiman (November 28, 2024 @ 03:53)
@TerminatorVasya does this work on redux?
Ray15 (November 16, 2024 @ 08:28)
Took some figuring out but I got it to finally work... after some mishaps with accidentally putting in the Alps folder and .ini file that contained the Alps information that came with the MapLoader mod. With the Alps mod installed, everything in the Carbon map was gone and after jumping to different events, there was just nothing loaded so that was an interesting experience before getting the right files put in for Bayview. Now Bayview is loaded and all is good.
Ray15 (November 15, 2024 @ 19:36)
@TerminatorVasya nevermind, I just downloaded the Carbon MapLoader mod, I'll try it out and let you know if it works then.
Ray15 (November 15, 2024 @ 19:30)
@TerminatorVasya I had put the Maploader files into the game directory and when it still hasn't loaded in the map, I put it in the scripts folder and it didn't work there either. Am I supposed to edit the .ini file or is it supposed to work as is cause the map just didn't want to load in for me.