Revamped Pursuits (World)
I recommend backing up the files commerce.bin, FE_ATTRIB.bin, & attribute.bin from the GLOBAL folder just in case
- This mod is only meant to be used on an offline server. I will NOT be responsible if your online account gets suspended.
- Requires 379Felipe's Open Races in order to add AI vehicles in Team Escape Events.
- So far no free roam pursuits featured, not sure if it's implementable since it only exists from older versions of World.
- Aggressive cops even in lower heat levels
- Roadblocks as early as Heat level 1. Same goes with spikes at Heat level 3
- Heavier patrol cars to deal with even with weight-related skills installed (Mefius)
- Plentiful Rhinos ready to claim your head starting at Heat level 2
- Restored GTO units (Mefius)
- Improved performance of Patrol units (Mefius)
- Bustspeed adjusted for better balance during pursuits.
- Faster catch-up of units when they fall behind
& many more!
Heat Levels: (Pursuit Outrun)
1: SRT8 Cruisers
2: Undercover SRT8 Cruisers & Light SUV Rhinos.
3: GTO Cruisers, Muscle Cruisers & Light SUV Rhinos.
4: Undercover GTOs, Undercover Muscle cruisers, & Heavy SUV Rhinos.
5: Federal Cruisers, Federal Undercover Cruisers & Heavy SUV Rhinos.
Team Escape:
High Stakes and Underground : Federal Cruisers, Federal Undercover Cruisers & Heavy SUV Rhinos.
Home Run and Compromised: GTO Cruisers, Muscle Cruisers & SUV Rhinos.
Late Departure and Most Wanted: GTO Cruisers, Muscle Cruisers & Federal Cruisers
Outlaws: SRT8 Cruisers
All In: Undercover SRT8 Cruisers & Light SUV Rhinos.
Vlted 4.6 is required for installing the mod.
- None
- Initial Release
Mefius as mentioned above.
nfsu360 for Vlted
FreeRoam SparkServer (FRSS) for the difficulty inspiration.
Keule306, berkay2578 for the Offline-Server v1.9.3