NFS World's Rubberband System

This mod will only affect the racers AI
Changes that I can spot on the AI Behaviours :
- More stable & Less retarded
- Less flying & wallriding
- Less slowdown
- They won't try to hit/fckd with the player anymore
- The racers AI will try their best to avoid any collisions with the player's car
Preview in motion
I recommend to use this mod with Legsolo's X360 AI mod as it helps balancing the difficulties & Wurf's Hard Drivers mod to also apply this rubberband system in career races
Issues :
For now without Wurf's mod the new rubberband system will only work in quick races
Once they got ahead of you they will hit the gas to maximum overdrive
The retardness is still there because in exchange of not f'ing with the player they instead will hit any traffic car in sight but occasionally and the highway battle AI doesn't seem to have this weird behaviour
Credits :
EA BlackBox for NFS World Assets
nfsu360 for NFS-VltEd
Don Ho for Notepad++

Frexellia (October 12, 2021 @ 09:41)
Thanks and I believe these two are the one you're looking for

GtasaCJ (September 21, 2021 @ 14:44)
Hey man. Can you make a fix for boss cars in nfs prostreet? For example: Nate Denver's Gto doesn't have any grip, Ray Kreiger's M3 understeers. The rest of the two are fine
GtasaCJ (September 21, 2021 @ 14:41)
Nice mod man
Frexellia (February 28, 2021 @ 10:14)
For Legsolo's mod it doesn't matter which order since his mod didn't affect the aiglue node