Monte-Carlo Project 2.1.2 - NFSU

This mod also includes little-used content and a very different Gameplay.
Introduction video
Installation tutorial (video)
- Changes in tire physics
- Rebalanced difficult in Underground mode
- Method to unlock all exclusive visual parts
- Method to unlock all unique performance parts (Black market)
- Notable changes in Underground mode
- Extra Traffic Vehicles mod by Forty (me)
- Manufacturer decals mod by me
- New Window tints
- 52 Extra paint colours
- Removable Stock Spoiler mod by Forty
- Preset rides (Partially customized by the community)
- Extended NOS duration
- Test track (including customized Frontend)
- Modded Market Street (Market Street Morning)
- Snow tire texure for stock wheels
- Spanish Language support
- Support for 5 extra languages (Only English)
- Support for the Honda/Acura NSX Addon by NFS2019
- Removable Catch up system (optional)
- Removable Extra Traffic Vehicles mod (optional)
- Original car performance (optional)
Required Tools and Content:
Binary by Maxhwoy
Winter mod by Frog1
Fog mod by Frog1 (Alternative Link)
check "Read me please, i beg you.txt" for installation.
revisa "Leeme por favor, te lo ruego.txt" para la instalación en español.
- Initial Release
- Method to unlock all exclusive visual parts
- Updated Career, New Events and Preset rides (Partially customized by the community)
- SHOWTIME mode expanded
- Test track (You have to unlock the track in Underground mode)
- New text strings
- Support for 6 extra languages (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Small fixes
- Black Market Events (Method to unlock all Unique Performance parts)
- New visual mods (52 Extra Paint Colours, 9 New Window Tints)
- Slighty updated Career, updated events, few new events and event structure enhacehed
- Snow tire texture for stock wheels
- Modded Dyntex
- Updated FrontEnd for the Test track
- Some strings were updated to avoid the "Not translated properly" issue
- Modded strings for 6 extra languages (Only english)
- Replaced LOSTPRO Preset
- Restored Manufacturer Decals
- Support for the Honda NSX Addon by NFS2019
- small fixes
- Market Street Morning track
- "Hola" Update (Spanish language support)
- Small fix (optional) and extended support.
- 2 Extra starter cars
- Language file fix/patch (optional)
Convert Language scripts into Language Files
Include much more variety and content (event and text related)
Include Free roam
Extra vinyls and stuff related
Include test tracks
Buff some cars Performance (ex: Supra)
Improve my emglish XD
I pay attention to the suggestions
Make sure to report any bug if needed.
Special thanks to:
- Irish
- Neon
- Jersey Jimmy
- RosyMiranto18
(For contributing with the Preset Rides)

Market Street Morning Teaser


Forty (September 08, 2021 @ 22:47)
@Binglar i have updated the mod description, now there is a video tutorial.
Binglar (September 07, 2021 @ 11:09)
When I tried to install the optional stuff, Binary said, "Endscript version was of invalid format, expected [VERSN1]".
DennisStanistan (August 28, 2021 @ 17:40)
later homie
[Deleted Account] (August 28, 2021 @ 13:55)
This is my new account because my old one got deleted by that genius who calls himself "Zyphir"
[Deleted Account] (August 28, 2021 @ 12:37)
Same with the other optionsDownload
d0d5b2-MONTE CARLO PROJECT 2.1.2.rar (Size: 3.19MB) Latest Version
b4790d-MONTE CARLO PROJECT 2.1.1.rar (Size: 3.19MB) Old Version
f35646-MONTE CARLO PROJECT 2.1.rar (Size: 3.19MB) Old Version
1dd63f-MONTE CARLO PROJECT 2.0.rar (Size: 3.19MB) Old Version
cdca0b-Monte-Carlo Project NFSU 1.6.rar (Size: 301.83KB) Old Version
901e69-Monte-Carlo Project NFSU 1.0.rar (Size: 194.29KB) Old Version