Honda S2000 AP 1 [Extended Customization]

NOTE : Ill never able to make Hotfixes anymore due to it being Time consuming and Quite annoying to do. Ill post next Bug/Glitch Fixes on the Next Update Instead. For you that Already download the Mod Before and want to update it, you Can go to PATCH NOTES section Down Bellow download the Update and install it, or just download the new Version and let the mod Overide the old one and Make Sure you have the Correct NCA Version otherwise. there will be some missing Strings - NORU
[Honda] S2000 AP1 for Need For Speed Carbon
This is an ADDON ! so, dont worry to get any of your Favorite Boat got replaced.
Tool Required :
- Binary by MaxHwoy
Dependencies :
- NFSC Unlimiter by nlgzrgn
- Extended Customization V2.0 by ARCHIE
- NCA Latest Version by EQUINOX
- (Optional) Back up your game First just incase this mod have incompability with other pre-installed mod
but, if you choose not to. its your Funeral.
- Extract Both NCA and S2000 Rar File
- Open NCA folder and Install "INSTALL meh.end" and the "Camera.nfsms" using Binary as a User
- After NCA Finish Installing, go to S2000 Folder and Install the S2000.nfsms First using NFS-VLted.
- Once the nfsms instalation done, you can go Install INSTALL.end from Extra Parts folder using Binary.
- have fun !
You are NOT allowed to distribute or reupload this mod.
PSA ! This mod is my first one, so please go Eazy on me. if you Find any Bug/glitch, Please Submit it on Our Discord Server Complete with Screenshots and How to Replicate the Glitch.
Known Issue :
- *Potential* Performance Issues, causes by mid-high Poly Count.
Preview model

- Preview done by NoXu
Ver B-4.2 Req NCA 2.0 above Download the Fix Here
[*] ⚙ Fixed Missing Brakelights Marker
[*] ⚙ Fixed Missing Driver
Ver B-4.1 Req NCA 2.0 above
[*] ⚙ Fixed Missing KITS
[*] ⚙ Turned off the Normals for Newly Textured Removed parts.
Ver B-4.0 Req NCA 2.0 above
- + Added Option to Remove Headlight/Brakelight Glass, and Several Covered w/Oil Cooler Headlight Glass Style.
- + Fully Reworked Interior Model.
- + Added Candy 2F2F Tsuki Interior
- + Added Aftermarket Sidemirrors.
- + Added Colored Crashbars.
- + Several New Ap2 Brakelights and Skyline Brakelights
- + Option to Remove Fenders, Hood, and Bumpers.
- + Engine Swaps !
- + Duck Tails are moved into Trunks Category, allowing you to put any Spoiler w/ any Ducktail.
- + Several new Splitters
- + Added Oem Tuned Interior Kits
- + Added Several new Roll Cage Variants and the Half Cage
- + New Seats
- + Bodykits Converted Front Bumper.
- > Replaced Removed Parts Texture.
> Fixes ━━━━━━━━━
[*] ⚙ Perfected the Uv.
[*] ⚙ Renewed Car Importion Methods making it Flawless than ever !
[*] ⚙ Several Missing Strings.
PS : I Remove Alot of the old Content because of Fitment issues. Dont worry, ill some new one after i perfected my Modeling skills. so, stay tuned
Ver B-3.4.0 Req NCA 1.0.6 - 1.1.0 above
- + Option to Swap The Engine. this is ofc just for Visual, doesnt change the engine audio. However, I might able to make it possible to have diffrent Sound if i Finish my Programming Lessons.
- + 2 New Voltex Front Fenders
- + 1 New Sideskirts
- + Rear Bumper Attached Rear Fender. To Use it properly, Remove the Rear Bumper and pick the Rear Fender that has the Bumper Attached to.
- + Option to Remove Rear Bumper
- + Trunk Under Model to be Associated with Removed Rear Parts
- > Replaced Rear Voltex Fender with New Fitted Model.
- > Replaced Removed Fender with a new Refined Model, Some Part of it is still See Trough, and i might going to Fix it again in the Future.
> Fixes ━━━━━━━━━
[*] ⚙ Again.. The UV Map of Body Parts, Its still not a Hundred 100% Perfect. but i can assure you its much much better than last time
[*] ⚙ Fixed the window UV. Front, Rear, and Side
[*] ⚙ Several Missing Strings
[*] ⚙ Making .nfsms File More Absolute
ARCHIE - For helping me Figuring out how to do EC
Fridge and Tekizyte - For... idk, Just Start Modding, Modeling and... Use of Blender In General. its quite a Journey, but you guys really help a lot. even though... im still shit at it. XD
Airoz, The Raid and Shapeshifter- For Testing the Mod and making sure Everything works as intended
and a Bald man From Discord that Linked me to the S2k Model that i use.

SupraTurbo2JZ (May 02, 2022 @ 08:32)
Hey dude, car doesnt show on customize but it there is on debug customize ? I tried to add you on discord but I couldn't add you because discord doesn't accept your nick. If you want add me my nickname is SupraTurbo2JZ#9275. Also i cant see s2000's files on vlted>frontend>vehicles>japan. i wanted enable "is customizable" but i couldnt find files.
Azazin (May 01, 2022 @ 23:02)
I love this car mod!Be careful, the car is very fast, it must be in tier 3.
I passed Daruis at the cayon in the first phase.
Thanks, keep it up buddy

apmrns (April 22, 2022 @ 23:24)
This is the best car mod for NFS Carbon actually in nfsmods, no one can beat it ... Accept the facts !
airoz75ua (April 21, 2022 @ 15:02)
Turned out great for me)
TheRaid (April 21, 2022 @ 14:15)
Finally some right proper S2K mod with some right proper customization :oDownload
13960d-HONDA - S2000 AP1 (Ver.B-4.2).zip (Size: 35.21MB) Latest Version
19de6a-HONDA - S2000 AP1 (Ver.B-4.1).zip (Size: 35.1MB) Old Version
4aa128-HONDA - S2000 AP1 (Ver.B-4.0).zip (Size: 33.31MB) Old Version
9a1118-[NOIR] S2000 Ver.B-3.2.0.rar (Size: 23.88MB) Old Version
c2267e-[NOIR] S2000 Ver.3.1.1.rar (Size: 46.31MB) Old Version
a59480-[NOIR] S2000 Ver.3.1.0.rar (Size: 46.75MB) Old Version
db3d72-[NOIR] S2000 Ver.3.0.0.rar (Size: 23.61MB) Old Version