(OBSOLETE) E3 Demo Lighting + E3 Features by budget_toaster#1758

Category: Miscellaneous | Game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

(OBSOLETE) E3 Demo Lighting + E3 Features

Note: this mod is now OBSOLETE, and I suggest using elaymm4's MW beta visuals mod for better E3 lighting/visuals

To get the best experience out of this lighting, the requirements for this lighting to work effectively are Xbox 360 Stuff Pack v3.1,Xenon Effects, and Most Wanted Xbox Rain Droplets.

v1.0: E3 Demo Lighting mod release

v1.1: Added an additional modscript that allows the lighting to override all time of day lighting nodes

v1.2: Included an installation readme and method for those that want to install the E3 lighting mod using NFS AttribLoader

v1.3: Changed the diffuse color to be a little less orange and make it more of a yellow-orange instead of the full on yellow look

v1.5: Added in IDI_CAR_FX file to replace the original IDI_CAR_FX file from Xbox 360 Stuff Pack, thanks to toru.fx for providing me the car fx shader file.

7/30/23 Update: using different shots to better resemble the E3 demo lighting look, also changed the thumbnail for the E3 lighting mod and included a comparison image between actual e3 lighting vs my e3 lighting

v1.6: Update car shader file (IDI_CAR_FX) to replace the IDI_CAR_FX from 360 stuff pack mod

v1.65: Update NFSMWGraphics.ini settings, now should have a more yellow-orange script, placed the car shader into the E3 car shader folder, and the uninstall modscript in the uninstall folder. Again, the IDI_CAR_FX file inside the E3 car shader folder is meant to replace the idi_car_fx file from x360 stuff.

v1.7: Cloud texture now included, which is meant to resemble the E3 demo clouds in Most Wanted

v1.75: Headlight glow texture now included, blue-white tint headlight glow and rainbow rings surrounding said headlight glow

v1.8: Increase FogInLight Scatter amount from 10.924 to 22, also make sure to remove visual treatment.fx and screen filter.fx from your game folder after installing X360 stuff 3.0,. Also, don't enable overbright in game. And, make sure to enable light streaks on under Widescreen Fix ini file inside the scripts folder.

v1.85: Adjusted NFSMWGraphics.ini to make it look nice with visual treatment.fx and overbright.fx, with overbright being on. Also slightly decreased FogInLight Scatter numbers for all TOD nodes.

v1.9: Again, decreased FogInLight Scatter numbers for all TOD nodes.

10/14/23 (v2.0) update: added in E3 safehouse location, unlocks after defeating Earl.

Note: My E3 demo lighting mod is NOT ALLOWED to be used in paywall modpacks, modpacks that require people to pay money!

I'm currently working on an E3 lighting based off of the Xbox 360 E3 demo look from Most Wanted 2005. This mod will continue to be updated with the necessary tweaks and improvements when necessary. Here are the strategies I have used to implement the E3 demo look.

1. Currently referring to many image references and videos from the Xbox 360 E3 Demo.

2. Currently attempting to take note of hex color codes from the E3 images and applying them into Most Wanted, using Rockport Ed, sky, road color, lit light on buildings from the sun, etc.

3. Also attempting to recreate that look by using the Camera editor on Rockport Ed and taking images at certain locations, such as the location of the E3 Demo drag race, the E3 demo image of a Carrera GT in Rockport, and many more.


Special thanks to: Kevin4e and elaymm4 for providing me the references, suggestions, help, and encouragement they give me in order for myself to get the E3 demo lighting look as accurately as possible.

Also, special thanks to AlexX, who made the awesome thumbnail for my mod, and for testing out my E3 mod.

- berkayylmao - RockportEd
- nfsu360 - NFSVlted
- osdever - NFS AttribLoader Mod
- Zipper - for teaching me and showing me how to create LUTs
- toru.fx - providing me the car FX shader file

Install and Uninstall: included in the ReadMe

Note: If anyone wants to use my E3 lighting mod as part of your mods, please make sure to ask me first, and if I allow you to, please credit me

Tools used to make this mod:

  • paint.net
  • Microsoft Paint App
  • RockportEd
  • NFSTexEd
  • NFS VltEd 4.6


If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding this mod, please reach out to me in Discord, my Discord name is budget_toaster#1758.


budgettoaster1758 (June 13, 2024 @ 03:14)
Hate to tell you this, but this mod is obsolete now, there's the MW beta visuals mod if you want the E3-like lighting, for X360 stuff pack 3.2 mod.

ArcySeguraGaming (June 13, 2024 @ 02:44)
im getting a mega fps drop, without the mod i can run it 120fps but with the mod i only get like 55fps, any fix?

budgettoaster1758 (March 18, 2024 @ 20:01)
that would be unlimiter v4 i believe if i'm not mistaken, but i'm not fully certain

Waldecy450600 (March 18, 2024 @ 17:34)
Hello! Can you tell me which mod turns on the car headlights in the NFSMW2005 garage?

Erce (January 13, 2024 @ 10:44)
Why did you block me on Discord?
It's kizilcomet.

Uploaded on June 23, 2023 at 16:35:11.
Last updated on January 13, 2024 at 06:01:36.