NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2

Watch the release trailer here!
Improvement Mod aims to improve the gameplay experience in every way possible without changing the core game by much, basically by adding new content and restoring cut or unused features. You can check a more detailed list of changes in the file "Changelog.txt", however a very short changelog includes:
- General fixes and improvements to:
-- Performance parts;
-- Preset cars;
-- Pursuits;
-- Race events;
-- Vehicle collisions;
-- Manufacturers and car logos;
- New events backported from NFS World and restored cut events.
-- Added the Collector's Edition exclusive events to the career mode, as they have unused career engagetriggers;
- Added one new song to the EA TRAX:
-- Esktrak - Hard Drivers (Subbufer Mix)
- Restored missing unlocks.
- Restored the NIS with the cut flag girl.
- Restored the minor crew named "Phantoms".
- Backported the higher resolution precomp vinyls from PS3 (x1024), along with restoring the cut precomp vinyls from the Xbox360 demo.
- New car presets were added to the game. Some of them are available to be played in Quick Race mode.
- New visual customization was added:
-- Updated roof customization so it always appear in the autosculpt/aftermarket menu, regardless of your car being in the muscle class;
-- Added new vector vinyls;
-- Added a new set of "Light" window tint;
-- Added a new "Pearl" rim paint inspired by some of the rim paint options from Underground 2 and Most Wanted (beta);
-- Added new exhausts autosculpt parts, ported from NFS Undercover;
-- Added "Edge" spoiler from NFS Most Wanted (for vehicles that use the HATCH and PORSCHES override only);
-- Added new wheels;
-- Side mirror and brakelight customization (EC exclusive - only available for a few specific vehicles);
- All bonus cars are now available in car lot and have added performance parts.
- All traffic vehicles and cop cars now have a "player" variant being used. You can also customize their performance parts.
- All vehicles have been recompiled to include fixes and new visual customization.
- Restored cut vehicles and new vehicles:
-- 911GT2 - Porsche 911 GT2 (996);
-- 911TURBO - Porsche 911 Turbo S (996);
-- 997S - Porsche 911 Carrera S (997);
-- A3 - Audi A3 3.2 quattro;
-- A4 - Audi A4 3.2 FSI quattro;
-- AAA - The Chrome Car (Car Lot only);
-- BMWM3 - BMW M3 (E46);
-- BMWM3CSL - BMW M3 CSL (E46);
-- BMWM3GTR - BMW M3 GTR (Street);
-- COBALTSS - Chevrolet Cobalt SS;
-- COPGHOSTB - Palmont PD1U - Police Civic Cruiser Undercover '05;
-- COPHELIHENCH - Police Helicopter from the NFS Most Wanted PS2 demo (Car Lot only);
-- COPMIDSIZEB - Palmont PD1 - Police Civic Cruiser '05;
-- COPSPORTB - Rockport NC2 - Police Cross Chevrolet Corvette C6;
-- CORVETTE - Chevrolet Corvette C6;
-- CORVETTEC6R - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R;
-- CTS - Cadillac CTS;
-- GTI - Volkswagen Golf GTI (Mk5);
-- IMPREZAWRX - Subaru Impreza WRX STi (2004);
-- LANCEREVO8 - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII;
-- MAZDA3SPORT - Mazda3 Sport;
-- MAZDASPEEDT - Mazda Mazdaspeed RX-8;
-- MX5 - Mazda MX-5 (NC);
-- PUNTO - Fiat Grande Punto;
-- R8PROD - Audi R8 4.2 FSI quattro;
-- SL500 - Mercedes-Benz SL500;
-- SL55 - Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG;
-- TRAFPIZZA - Palmont PZ1 - Econo Hatchback Pizza Delivery;
-- TRAFPRIS - Palmont PD5 - Police Van (Car Lot only);
-- TRAFPROSUVA - Palmont SU2 - "Progressive Insurance" SUV;
-- TRAFTAXI02 - Palmont TX2 - Taxi Minivan;
-- TRAILERFLT - Flat trailer;
-- TT - Audi TT 3.2 quattro;
- Several optional features, including an exclusive ExtendedCustomization V4 which features several "vanillafied" parts.
- Support for:
-- Spanish;
-- Spanish LATAM (Mexican);
-- Italian;
-- German;
This mod requires:
- NFSC Unlimiter;
The install process requires:
- Binary;
- VLTEd or OGVI;
Please carefully read the instructions from "Install.txt". If you have any crash, read the F.A.Q in the "Readme.txt". Also, feel free to contact me in NFSMods discord or ExtraOptions discord.
Be warned that you cannot reupload or include it in your own mod or modpack. Personal use is perfectly fine; the issue arises only when the content is reuploaded, whether it’s a specific mod feature, part of the mod, or the entire package. A lot of effort and work went into creating this mod, so please show respect and consideration. Thanks!


HelloImPear (March 10, 2025 @ 17:12)
I seem to be having issues with this mod. It seems that every single time I press 'Continue Career' it drops me to car class selection all over. All my bought cars from the lot disappear and I am stuck with having the first car from the choice. Also the Canyon boss fights tend to have a fart of freeze. Everything installed flawlessly, no errors.
nadir (February 21, 2025 @ 20:37)
@Phoenix074 bueno eso solo me ocurre cuando estoy compitiendo en el territorio de darius usando el vinilo de hereo, lo digo, ya que con los demas autos no me pasa lo mismo, la verdad no se si es un error del vinilo o del modelo del carro, quizas sea el rendimiento grafico de mi pc
Phoenix074 (February 04, 2025 @ 21:36)
Is someone else trying PursuitActionMode (from ExtraOptions) with this mod? Not sure if it's my PC being a potato, but it crashes with PursuitActionMode enabled, like the game can't handle races and pursuit tactics together, especially in Race Wars.
Anggana (February 03, 2025 @ 06:05)
After installing this mod, i cant use heat level in extraoptions.ini . I change heat level 5, 6, 7 , it seems like it didnt work. Please fix this issue.
shadpers (January 28, 2025 @ 15:52)
Hello, the video settings are not being saved, they are resetting to default every time i open the game, progress are saving with no problems.Any fix?
665282-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Latest Version
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580c28-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 271 bytes) Old Version
f3912e-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 271 bytes) Old Version
0b7958-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Old Version
21ebcd-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 271 bytes) Old Version
6fac41-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Old Version
72394b-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Old Version
51cc22-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Old Version
f7de50-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 271 bytes) Old Version
43faee-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 274 bytes) Old Version
dde595-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 272 bytes) Old Version
41984c-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 271 bytes) Old Version
006eae-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 268 bytes) Old Version
3f01ac-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 273 bytes) Old Version
f3f774-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 275 bytes) Old Version
280820-NFS Carbon - Improvement Mod V2 - Download link.rar (Size: 273 bytes) Old Version
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