Much Accurate Car Names

- Includes model year and trim level for each car.
- Short version of car names includes chassis codes (not all cars have them, like the CCX)
- ONLY supports English.
- NFS ProStreet with V1.1 Patch installed.
- that's it lol
- Cars with long names in the car lot such as the Gallardo Superleggera and Evo IX MR are shortened, because their names are VERY long. Nothing I can do about that, really.
Version History:
- Initial Release
- Fixed Golf GTI and Golf R32 names.
-Fixed a few strings with wrong info.
-Fixed more strings.
-Now uses Binary 2.5.5 to replace text strings instead of deprecated Labrune method.
-Fixed even more strings.
-Now includes fixes for Ti-Sonic's addon cars (Lambo Reventon, Jaguar XJ220, Mercedes One, AM Vulcan, JDM Legends Pack 1 and Pack 2, and Red Stallions.)
- MaxHwoy for creating Binary.
- NFSWiki and Wikipedia for supplying information.
- YOU for downloading my work.


Liaxis (April 13, 2024 @ 13:01)
@SkyreS You can send me a DM on Discord, you can find me in the NFSMods server. I couldn't find your acc myself.
SkryeS (April 09, 2024 @ 22:10)
Thank you very much, name on discord is the same as here. Black logo with blue S.
Liaxis (April 03, 2024 @ 01:05)
@SkyreS I got it somewhere on the internet, but it's one I made for personal use a while back. I usually make HD copies of manufacturer logos for BB era games that desperately need it.Let me know if you need it, I can send it to you through Discord.

SkryeS (April 02, 2024 @ 14:07)
Asking for just one thing, how did you get that Ferrari logo for the Red Stallions mod? How to install it? The one provided with the mod it's so bad it bothers me. It's also incorrect since it's the Scuderia Logo and not the manufacturer..jpeg)
Erce (September 04, 2023 @ 13:29)
Nice job, I guess.Download
7c9783-NEWCARNAMES-V1.4.rar (Size: 82.17KB) Latest Version
82dcb9-NEWCARNAMES-V1.4.rar (Size: 82.03KB) Old Version
c9414e-NEWCARNAMES.rar (Size: 81.04KB) Old Version
2047e2-NEWCARNAMES.rar (Size: 80.16KB) Old Version
bcc40e-9d5711-NEWCARNAMES.rar (Size: 80.83KB) Old Version
9d5711-NEWCARNAMES.rar (Size: 80.71KB) Old Version