Maximum Cop Probability

Remember to back up your GLOBAL folder, even though an Uninstall Script is available, just in case.
Update Features::
- Added compatibility with Beta Content Mod and Pepega Versions
- As mentioned earlier, the player now has multiple options he/she can choose for each MW version.
Vlted 4.6 is required for installing this mod for both games.
Make sure to set the value on PursuitActionMode to 1 in Extra Options (MW) for an added layer of action.
Notes for Most Wanted:
- Drag Races are not modified as their events are too short to initiate pursuits. Same goes with prologue races for story purposes.
- Remember to choose the correct script according to the MW version you currently have.
- It's only meant to modify existing career races in the game/mod overhauls, new tracks from other mods will be unaffected.
- Will NOT work with modloader!
Notes for Undercover:
- All career race events will have cops patrolling in it.
- Roadblocks and Helicopters aren't added due to lack of pursuits afterwards.
- The amount of cops will be reduced due to game limits except in Checkpoint races.
- Works with any Reformed version.
nfsu360 for Vlted 4.6
ExOpts Team for the Extra Options
Elaymm4 for the Beta Content Mod
DustinEden and Team Pepega for the Pepega Edition
Fierelier for Pursuits in blacklist boss races mod.
Other mods in Screenshot:
- Nissan 200SX (S14a) by AJLethal
- Addon Car Pack by Eclipse72rus (Mercedes-Benz 190E)
- [MW] Project Overhaul by BadassBaboon
If you experience issues with the mod, send me a message here or DM me thru Discord. Splash45#7455

hiddenmask58 (February 09, 2023 @ 02:39)
Hello I found a bug. In Ming's first circuit race (race_bin_06/6_1_1_circuit) the CopsInRace value is still set to False instead of True
VaibhavNFS (February 05, 2023 @ 17:56)
In nfs most wanted, is it possible to only have max probability in blacklist, but all other races to be same as vanilla. As of now, I only see Race Events only (All race events Max prob but not blacklist), Blacklist only (Blacklist races only max prob but all other races Min), All (Blacklist and all races max) and uninstall.
peo (January 06, 2023 @ 20:14)
Hey, how did you get that color in the nissan?
DarkMTS (November 16, 2021 @ 20:43)
Can you make a Mod Loader version for this ? ( NFS Most Wanted )I don´t like vlted.