UG 2 UC | Enhanced EA Trax Experience by Shad

Category: Audio | Game: Any

UG 2 UC | Enhanced EA Trax Experience

This mod aims to improve the overall soundtrack experience with much higher quality samples and including added era correct (for the most part) music to each game if possible

List of the games that had their soundtrack changed:
for more details on the track list see the readme
  • Underground 1 - replaced track(s)
  • Underground Rivals
    - Along with the custom tracks from 5-1-0, OTC and Undercover
  • Underground 2 - replaced a handful of the tracks with UGR exclusives
  • Most Wanted - 2 new replaced songs
  • Most Wanted 5-1-0
  • Carbon - 9 added songs
  • Carbon Own The City - replaced a few songs that had incorrect tags (like 'feel the rush (junkie xl remix)- melody' with the actual remix)
  • ProStreet - added 25 new tracks
  • ProStreet (PSP) - fixed misnamed/misplaced songs
  • Undercover
    - replaced 4 race tracks
    - added 17 new race tracks
    - replaced 25 segments in fronted tracks with full length songs
  • Undercover (PSP)


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Uploaded at: June 21, 2024 @ 10:26